Plavecký Castle
pearl of the Záhorie region
In the heart of historical Gemer region and surrounded by two mighty plains of the Slovak Karst, and in the square of the picturesque town of Štítnik, stands the medieval Evangelical Church of Augsburg.
At first glance, when one looks at it’s exterior, the church appears unexceptional. It is a facade that can be found on dozens churches in Slovakia. But inside it hides an interior that serves as a wonderful guide through medieval workmanship in art and painting. On over 200 square metres of space one can study painted depictions of the Bible, of pious and working life, apostolic life, death, passion, and other religious themes. The oldest of them are authentic works of Italian masters, and some of them are considered unique within Slovakia. These are remarkably valuable and rare paintings, and they have been preserved exceptionally well. This came about because the representatives of the Evangelical Church decided to cover the paintings, of this originally catholic church, with white lime following the minimalism and modest decoration prevalent in all Evangelical churches.
However, there’s much more than paintings that awaits you when you enter into the mystifying interior of this church. Even the church itself is a kind of sculptural museum, showcasing the pride of medieval nobles, a grave crypt located directly in the nave and under the main altar. In addition, the church has a wonderful chorus -sadly not accessible anymore- featuring two organs that are arranged vertically one over the other. With so much to explore, It is hardly surprising that this church shall be submitted to UNESCO’s tentative list, for his invaluable artistic value, uniqueness and immaculate preservation of its paintings.
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Free of charge
Open all the time
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Not suitable for wheelchair
Restaurant not available
No coffee or tea spot
Accomodation not available
breathtaking views on Záhorie region
considerable distance from the capital
several spots for barbeque in the nature
possibility to set up a tent and stay overnight

so far not found

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